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2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon 200-250

2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon 200-250
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Alter Preis: 1699.00 EUR
Preis: 1189.00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon 200-250 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon 200-250 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon 200-250 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon 200-250 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon 200-250 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon 200-250

2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Race Carbon Race Boom


  • Länge cm/Typ .....200-250
  • Verstellbereich.... 50 cm
  • Griffdurchmesser: oval  2.8/3.0
  • Weight kg:.......3.3
  • Monocoque Carbon Gabelkörper
  • Monocoque Carbon Endstück
  • Anatomischer Holmdurchmesser
  • Kopfstück passt sich allen Gabel /Mast Winkeln an (10%) axiale Rotation
  • Verstellsystem.....Twin-Pin Lever
  • Konische Mastaufnahme, dadurch bombensicherer Halt und kinderleichte Höhenverstellung für jeden Mastdurchmesser
  • integriertes & innengeführtes Trimmsystem (175/200)
  • Dyneema Schothorn- und Spannhebel Tampen
  • leicht schließbarer Spannhebel





The XC Race is a milestone in windsurf boom history. The first boom featuring an integrated outhaul system for easy trimming of the sail during sailing. The monocoque pre-preg carbon construction of the XC Race combined with oval diameter arms makes it the ultimate racing boom available on the market.






The NeilPryde VT-Joint provides a stiff boom connection and a more responsive transmission of the sail power than any other system used in the market.

> Increases contact area from the boom attachment to the mast. > It can be used on any standard diameter mast.
> Reduces chance of point loading.
> Minimises play between the boom and mast connection.
> Allows easy adjustment of boom height.


The mast cup provides 2 points of contact between the cup and the mast, creating a tight connection and ensuring great transmission of power.
The V-Shape accommodates variation in standard mast diameters.
Slightly thinner masts sit further into the V, while wider ones sit further out. The VT-Joint is standard on all NeilPryde booms. Additionally, it comes with an oversized forged carbon mast cup material tailored to suit each XC boom.



The mast cup provides 2 points of contact between the cup and the mast, creating a tight connection and ensuring great transmission of power.
The V-Shape accommodates variation in standard mast diameters.
Slightly thinner masts sit further into the V, while wider ones sit further out. The VT-Joint is standard on all NeilPryde booms. Additionally, it comes with an oversized forged carbon mast cup material tailored to suit each XC boom.



Replicates the natural shape of your palms and fingers offering great comfort and grip strength to extend your riding sessions. The oval shape also increases the stiffness of the boom arms by increasing torsional rigidity.



Designed for high performance racing. As the trim- lines slide inside the boom arms, offering maximum comfort while racing as there are no more disturbing ropes in your way. Spectra inhaul rope.



Integrated boom lever for easy locking and opening. Designed with a reduced surface area and lighter weight.



Double insert with an easy locking and opening lever. It provides ease of tail adjustment, optimal load distribution and a stiff connection between the boom body and tail end.



Monocoque custom pre-preg carbon tail extension. Featuring a hollow box section tubes/square profiles. Structured with 7 pulleys for ease of use. Compatible with the Interouthaul trimming whilst also featuring a cleat system for fixed outhaul set up.



Integrated boom lever for easy locking and opening. Designed with a reduced surface area and lighter weight.









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