Surfstadl Ammersee GmbH      |     Kerschlacher Weg 1      |     82346 Andechs / Erling      |      HOTLINE: +49 (0) 81 52 - 40 111

2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Wave Carbon 160-220

2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Wave Carbon 160-220
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Alter Preis: 1199.00 EUR
Preis: 839.00 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Wave Carbon 160-220 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Wave Carbon 160-220 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Wave Carbon 160-220 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Wave Carbon 160-220 2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Wave Carbon 160-220

2024/25 NEILPRYDE X-C Wave Carbon Wave Boom


  • Länge cm/Typ .....160-220
  • Verstellbereich.... 60 cm
  • Griffdurchmesser: 27  mm
  • Weight kg:.......2.7
  • Monocoque Carbon Gabelkörper
  • Monocoque Carbon Endstück
  • Anatomischer Holmdurchmesser
  • Kopfstück passt sich allen Gabel /Mast Winkeln an (10%) axiale Rotation
  • Verstellsystem.....Twin-Pin Lever
  • Konische Mastaufnahme, dadurch bombensicherer Halt und kinderleichte Höhenverstellung für jeden Mastdurchmesser
  • Dyneema Schothorn- und Spannhebel Tampen
  • leicht schließbarer Spannhebel
  • NEILPRYDE RDM Mastadapter





Our ultimate monocoque carbon pre-preg wave boom is designed for expert riders who demand knife-like precision from their equipment.

This boom offers instantaneous control with its increased torsional rigidity and square profile tail end. Allowing zero lag time from flexing connections. Giving the cosiest sensation you have ever felt while holding a boom.






The NeilPryde VT-Joint provides a stiff boom connection and a more responsive transmission of the sail power than any other system used in the market.

> Increases contact area from the boom attachment to the mast. > It can be used on any standard diameter mast.
> Reduces chance of point loading.
> Minimises play between the boom and mast connection.
> Allows easy adjustment of boom height.


The mast cup provides 2 points of contact between the cup and the mast, creating a tight connection and ensuring great transmission of power.
The V-Shape accommodates variation in standard mast diameters.
Slightly thinner masts sit further into the V, while wider ones sit further out. The VT-Joint is standard on all NeilPryde booms. Additionally, it comes with an oversized forged carbon mast cup material tailored to suit each XC boom.



The mast cup provides 2 points of contact between the cup and the mast, creating a tight connection and ensuring great transmission of power.
The V-Shape accommodates variation in standard mast diameters.
Slightly thinner masts sit further into the V, while wider ones sit further out. The VT-Joint is standard on all NeilPryde booms. Additionally, it comes with an oversized forged carbon mast cup material tailored to suit each XC boom.



Guarantees low friction with no crossing lines for a free sail movement. This system is further enhanced by high quality Dyneema ropes. Lever: Our integrated boom lever comes with high quality Dyneema rope.



Monocoque custom pre-preg carbon tail extensions. With 2 unique, 140 and 160, custom wave tails end. Featuring a hollow box sectiontubes/square profiles and a fully integrated stainless steel loop to hook outhaul system.



Integrated boom lever for easy locking and opening. Designed with a reduced surface area and lighter weight.



Double insert with an easy locking and opening lever. It provides ease of tail adjustment, optimal load distribution and a stiff connection between the boom body and tail end.



Removable clickable RDM V-Shape mast shim adaptor.








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